Jacob speaking at Salt Spring Seedy Saturday 2012:
http://www.annwigmore.org/ – Living Foods Lifestyle
https://www.youtube.com/user/EatTheWeeds?feature=watch – “EatTheWeeds” is the most watched foraging channel on You Tube.
http://www.edibleforestgardens.com/ – Edible Forest Gardens.com is dedicated to offering inspiring and practical information on the vision, ecology, design, and stewardship of perennial polycultures of multipurpose plants in small-scale settings.
http://www.growbiointensive.org/ – Ecology Action’s home page, where you can find out about GROW BIOINTENSIVE mini-farming, a revolutionary method of sustainable gardening that allows you to grow more food than you thought possible in small spaces, while conserving resources and increasing yields and the fertility of your soil. Ecology Action has been a non-profit organization since 1972, and provides education, outreach, tours, workshops, apprenticeships, and more. Become a member of Ecology Action and together we can change the world!
http://overgrowthesystem.com/ – Local activist media seeking to bring awareness to environmental and cultural issues.
http://starhawk.org/ – Regenerative Culture, Earth-based Spirituality, and Permaculture
http://www.patternliteracy.com/articles – Articles by Toby Hemenway